Rise Media Launches!

I am so excited to finally share this news with everyone. I’ve been working on this since November of last year and today, I get to launch Rise Media. Rise is an internet marketing company. My goal is to promote local small businesses throughout Central Florida on the internet with an all-inclusive solution. I created this company to help: new businesses get off of the ground, established businesses reach new audience, and also to create and maintain networks. My long-term goal is to bring small businesses into supporting local missions by using the networks created through Rise. I want to collide local businesses with local missions, and bring light to the fact that they have more in common than most people think. I know it’s not a small task but it’s a long-term goal that I am working toward.

If you want to look more into what Rise does visit the website.


At this point – I’m trying to find a healthy balance, in life in general, and I am also working on being present in everything that I am doing as I find my mind wandering all. the. time. – if you guys could please be praying for that, it would be greatly appreciated {actually, more like: desperately needed}.

It’s funny how things work out. I’m so grateful for open doors and support, my current employer has been so wonderful and that has made this all a little less stressful. I also have the most supportive family and community in the world, so that is absolutely incredible. This year has been eventful, to say the very least. I’m feeling stretched mentally, physically, emotionally and I’m actually pretty nervous about this new adventure. I feel like it has brought out more insecurity in me than I knew I had but through all of this I feel loved, encouraged, and supported and I’m crazy excited to see where this takes us.

One thought on “Rise Media Launches!

  1. New adventures bring old and new insecurities into play. But what makes our God so great is that His grace is perfect because of our weaknesses. He will take these insecurities and stress and change them, and use them as your strengths, for His purpose(2 Corinthians 12). Love you and praying!

    “Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words….And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:26+28


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